New post from Dr. Greer on Empire, Trees, and Climate

Dr. Kirsten Greer, Canada Research Chair in Global Environmental Histories and Geographies at conference

Dr. Kirsten Greer, Canada Research Chair in Global Environmental Histories and Geography, has contributed a new post to the Empire, Trees, and Climate website.
Her post discusses the Empire Trees Climate team’s experiences at the Canadian Association of Geographers Meeting this past summer in Halifax, where they presented a number of papers in a special session on interdisciplinary work in Geography.

You can read Dr. Greer’s post, right here.

Empire, Trees, and Climate in the North Atlantic: Towards Critical Dendro-Provenancing, is a project that brings together international scholars in the humanities and physical sciences to creatively combine historical research, dendro-provenancing (e.g. analysis of tree ring widths of historic buildings and shipwrecks), marine archaeology, and geo-visualization techniques to critically reconstruct the ‘socio-biophysical landscape’ (Lave et al. 2014) of the British North Atlantic.  The group received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for the project.  Dr. Greer is the project director.

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