Meet student leader Eliza Hawthorne

Nipissing students consistently impress as leaders, in the classroom, on campus and in the community.  Recently the university celebrated 25 student leaders at the annual Dave Marshall Leadership Awards.  Over the coming months, NU News will introduce each student leader to the wider community with a short article discussing their accomplishments and activities. Today, we are pleased to profile Eliza Hawthorne, a Concurrent Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education, student at Nipissing’s Brantford Campus. Eliza is recognized as a Dave Marshall Leadership Award winner in the community category.

Hawthorne has five years of experience as a Youth Mentor for Why Not Youth Centres, an organization geared towards supporting at-risk and street youth.

Hawthorne found simple yet powerful ways to engage and empower youth in her role as a mentor. She supervised placements, and has coordinated numerous events, fundraisers and activities. She has contributed significantly to enhancing the community atmosphere at Why Not Youth Centres.

Hawthorne has a remarkably positive attitude that impacts every setting she encounters. She has made young people who are rarely positively acknowledged feel loved, celebrated, and cared for. Hawthorne has had, and will continue to have, a big impact on the lives of many youth. 

The Dave Marshall Leadership Award recognizes full-time students who have made an outstanding extra-curricular contribution to their academic program, to the campus, or to the greater community. Community recipients are selected in recognition of their significant contribution to a community organization or group.

Dave Marshall Leadership AwardMy Nipissing