Meet student leader Andrew Holland

Nipissing students consistently impress as leaders, in the classroom, on campus and in the community.  Recently the university celebrated 25 student leaders at the annual Dave Marshall Leadership Awards. Over the coming months, NU News will introduce each student leader to the wider community with a short article discussing their accomplishments and activities. Today, we are pleased to profile Andrew Holland, a Bachelor of Science, Nursing student and Dave Marshall Leadership Award winner in the community category.

Holland is an active volunteer with many different community organizations including: The Nipissing Association for Disabled youth, The Gathering Place, and the North Bay Regional Health Centre. Holland initiated a fundraising project involving Bachelor of Science Nursing students in 2012, for cancer care at the North Bay Regional Health Centre.

Holland’s vision for his cancer fundraiser was to raise $10,000 before graduating in 2016 to help offset the cost of cancer treating equipment. He demonstrated leadership among fellow nursing students as he rallied them in bake sales, draws, and other fundraising activities, and inspired them to help their hospital. 

Through his fundraising efforts, and donations from the community, Holland was able to meet his $10,000 goal and contribute to the purchase of cancer-treating equipment.

The Dave Marshall Leadership Award recognizes full-time students who have made an outstanding extra-curricular contribution to their academic program, to the campus, or to the greater community. Community recipients are selected in recognition of their significant contribution to a community organization or group.

Dave Marshall Leadership AwardMy Nipissing