Big Brothers Big Sisters get Lakers season tix

Lakers home volleyball and basketball games this season are going to feature more little brothers and little sisters in the stands.  Nipissing’s athletics department is providing four complimentary seasons tickets to Big Brothers and Big Sisters of North Bay and District.

The tickets will be given out in pairs to children and their mentors from Big Brothers and Big Sisters, providing an opportunity for the Big and Little Brothers and Sisters to share a common interest, further strengthening their friendship.

The idea was first brought forward by Dr. Glen Sharpe, associate professor Schulich School of Education at Nipissing, who is volunteering with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Board of Directors.  He took the idea to Vito Castiglione, director of Athletics, who immediately agreed to provide the tickets.

“We value our commitment to community, and this seemed like a fantastic way to give back, and help some kids in a very positive way,” said Castiglione. “The kids and their mentors are going to be able to watch some amazing student-athletes compete.  It’s a great atmosphere and I’m sure they’ll have fun and make some terrific memories.  Maybe it will inspire some of the kids to want to be student-athletes themselves one day.”

“About 90 percent of the children in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program live in low income households.  We promote low cost, no cost activities, so that mentors are not feeling pressured to spend a lot of money on their outings with the children,” said Darlene Jamieson, executive director,  Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Bay and District. “Donations such as this helps us to maintain our commitment to keep costs low, while still providing very dynamic opportunities for the children to share with their mentors.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters requires 16 Big Brother volunteers and 10 Big Sister volunteers. The organization is also seeking students to volunteer in local schools as Go Girls and Game On mentors. If you are interested, please contact the Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Bay and District office at (705) 474-3041 or visit the website.

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