Shedding light on the banality of torture

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Collaborations in the Arts and Sciences (CICAS, pronounced: kickass!), presents another exciting discussion titled,The Banality of Torture: Violence in an Age of Terror on Thursday, March 26, from 6 - 7:30 p.m. in room B201.
The discussion will be led byDr. Joan Simalchik, senior lecturer and women and gender studies program coordinator, at the University of Toronto.

Here’s a short description:
The word torture conjures images of a sinister past with clandestine and secret violations, countered by official denunciations and denials. Yet, increasingly torture is interpolated in cultural representation, government discourse and contemporary public policy debates. Presented as a ‘normalized’ activity in extraordinary times, a feminist lens can destabilize this account and reframe violence within a human rights paradigm.

A live stream of the discussion will be available, here.

For more information on CICAS, check out their kick-ass website, right here. 

My Nipissing