NU encouraging students to be civically engaged

With the federal election only a few days away, the Harris Learning Library is featuring a display to encourage students to engage with Canadian politics.

Students visiting the display will discover a collection of books on various topics related to politics, government policy, political leadership, and the importance of voting and government.  In addition, the display provides information about where and how student’s can vote.

The display aims to prompt and encourage discussion, and to provide information on political science, Canadian government structure, and elections.  

This initiative ties in with the pledge taken by Dr. Mike DeGagné, president and vice-chancellor of Nipissing University, to ensure the promotion of civic engagement at the university. Read about it here.

“The display is attracting a lot of positive comments and attention,” said Nancy Black, executive director of the Harris Learning Library. “It’s crucial to help students navigate civic duty, especially with the election approaching.”

The display will be featured in the library until the end of October.  Stop by the Harris Learning Library and check it out for yourself.

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