Nipissing's McWiggan raising awareness and funds for JDRF

Nipissing University student Andrew McWiggan needs your help to raise money and awareness for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).T1D is no stranger to McWiggan’s family. McWiggan, his father and sister all have been living with T1D. “Living with diabetes has ne?ver prevented me from achieving my goals,” says McWiggan. “Instead it has fueled me to never give up and taught me the value of perseverance.”
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) where he sits on the National Walk Cabinet and has personally raised over $25,000 in the last two years.
JDRF is a global leader in the search for an end to T1D, through both research funding and advocacy.
As the academic year has come to an end, McWiggans has returned home to Australia to be with his family; however, he plans to raise much needed funds for JDRF Canada while at home.
McWiggan aims to fundraise $6000 for Canada. His JDRF event this year is the 'Skies the Limit' campaign, which will consist of McWiggans jumping out of a plane over Albert Park at 14,000 feet with 'Sky Dive The Beach' in Melbourne, Australia in the first week of August 2015.
Click here to find out more about how you can support McWiggan in his ongoing effort to raise money and awareness for T1D.

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