Nipissing heading to OUF

This week marks the World Series of university recruitment in Ontario, with more than 120,000 students and parents gathering at the Ontario Universities' Fair to explore their post-secondary options. Nipissing University is ready.Nipissing is sending a team of more than 70 people, including faculty, staff, students and graduates. They’ll be working Nipissing’s booth at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, answering questions and spreading the word about what sets Nipissing apart and makes it a perfect place to study and live while earning a degree.
The team is made up of 19 faculty members, representing a wide range of academic programs from each of Nipissing’s three faculties, 10 students, 15 graduates and some 25 staff members including the president, vice-presidents, deans recruiters, admissions officers and other key staff in various departments from financial aid, and education placements, to lab instructors and technology experts.
New this year, Nipissing will be promoting two recently approved academic offerings: the Bachelor of Social Work, and the Master of Science in Kinesiology. The university is also changing up its giveaways, opting to donate one dollar to the charity Shannen’s Dream for every student who registers at their booth (find out more about that initiative here?).
“We are all excited to get the fair underway. We’ve got a fantastic team ready to engage with future Nipissing students,” said Carla Tucker, manager, student recruitment. “The personal touch that Nipissing offers as a comprehensive university is pretty unique, and is one of our hallmarks. Students visiting the booth definitely get the ‘one student at a time’ experience. They can make that one-to-one connection with current students, graduates and faculty and discover why Nipissing might be right where they belong.”
The three-day fair begins Friday, September 25, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and runs until Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Entry is free and students can find out about all aspects of campus life including the wide range of programs, extracurricular activities, residence options, internships and how to apply for scholarships.

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