Nipissing and Canadore renew nursing agreement

Photo of collaborative Nursing signatories

Nipissing University and Canadore College renewed their collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) program agreement today, July 8, 2015.
For more than a decade, Canadore and Nipissing have shared curriculum, facilities, resources, finances and expertise to deliver the four-year program to 500 graduates to date.

Students enroll in the collaborative BScN program by direct application, or by exercising a bridging option offered to graduates of a two-year practical nursing program.

“This is a terrific day for both Nipissing and Canadore,” said Dr. Harley d’Entremont, Provost and Vice-President Academic and Research at Nipissing University. “The collaborative program has proven very successful and is in high demand with students.  It is an excellent combination of theory and practice that is built on the strengths of each institution to the benefit of all. On behalf of Nipissing, we look forward to continued success and partnership with our colleagues at Canadore College.”

The program’s learning is rooted in theoretical and evidence-based knowledge complemented by applied learning techniques using advanced simulation labs. Learners also complete 1,600 hours of clinical placements, working and learning alongside health-care professionals to provide the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world settings.

“Canadore College is pleased to finalize this new and improved agreement with Nipissing University to collaboratively deliver the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program,” said Dr. Marguerite Donohue, Vice-President, Academic at Canadore College. “We have a proven track record in shared curriculum delivery and the partnership agreement means that degree nursing students in North Bay will continue to benefit from our collaborative best practices and expertise.”

Faculty in the collaborative program conduct research into a range of important fields such as evidence-based practices, pandemic flu preparation, the use of simulation equipment in nursing education, e-health and preceptorships. This research creates new knowledge that benefits all Canadians and allows for students to learn about and participate in leading edge research.

Graduates of the collaborative BScN program are eligible to write the National Council Licensure, the entry-to-practice exam. Registered Nurses practice in all provinces and territories in Canada in a full range of competencies, including acute and chronic clinical care, public health, community care, education, administration, research and policy settings.

The collaborative agreement between Canadore College and Nipissing University is effective immediately.

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