New book for Dr. Steve Muhlberger

Photo of Dr. Steve Muhlberger's book cover

Complimenti to Dr. Steve Muhlberger, faculty of arts and sciences on having his book Deed of Arms, published in Italian. TitledGesta d’Armi, the Italian translation of the 10-year-old monograph is the work of Benedetta Ermacora and Marco Signorini.

In this monograph, Dr. Muhlberger examines the late Middle Ages where men of arms--knights and professional soldiers--exercised themselves in various forms of competitions to both refine their skills and as a matter of national honour.

By their deeds, knights not only won fame but also social prestige and wealth by spreading their names far and wide through the risk of a potentially mortal chivalric feat of arms. These battles were more than just bravado--they established legitimacy for key personalities during the fourteenth century.  Dr. Muhlberger details these contests and analyzes how their repute was of great political importance. Gesta d’Armi is published in Kindle format through the Italian branch of Amazon available here.  

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