Meet NU’s top students

Photo of Elaine Beckett-Albert

Nipissing is proud to celebrate the academic achievements of its graduates with the Governor General’s Academic Medals. NU News spoke to the award-winning students to find out about their experiences as Nipissing students and what helped them excel academically during their studies.
Created in 1873 to encourage academic excellence across the nation, the Governor General's Academic Medals have become the most prestigious award for outstanding achievements that Canadian students can receive.

The Governor General Gold Medal is awarded for academic excellence to the student graduating with the highest academic standing at the graduate level.

Elaine Beckett-Albert
Elaine Beckett-Albert graduated from Nipissing’s Masters of Education program and works as a learning strategist at Cambrian College.

She has worked for Cambrian College as their Lead Learning Skills Advisor for a transition project for Grade 8 students with learning disabilities for the Northern Ontario Assessment and Resource Centre.

The support services at Nipissing University are of the highest quality and I have very much appreciated the staff’s depth of knowledge,” said Beckett-Albert. “The combination of my personal qualities and an environment that supported my unique learning style provided the balance I needed to succeed.”

Beckett-Albert’s advice to graduates is to find your passion and find an environment that supports you. Be curious about concepts you do not understand and persevere through setbacks – you may be amazed by what you will learn and the richness of the experience.

Beckett-Albert will continue with her life’s work to attempt to understand each unique individual with learning disabilities and to share her understanding to make the experience of students with learning disabilities less perplexing.

The Governor General Silver Medal is awarded for academic excellence to the student graduating with the highest academic standing at the undergraduate level.

Bradley Lalonde
Bradley Lalonde graduated from Nipissing’s Bachelor of Arts Honours in Mathematics with a minor in Chemistry.

During his time at Nipissing University, Lalonde was a peer tutor for Linear Algebra and Calculus, a Teacher's Assistant for Fundamentals of Arithmetic for Teachers, a mathematics course tailored for students of the Concurrent Education program. In addition, Lalonde was a representative for Nipissing University's Math Club.

The key to Lalonde’s success was surrounding himself with friends who helped support and motivate him. He recommends living in residence or participating in as many school events as possible and to remember to have some fun amidst all the studying.

“When there are a huge amount of incoming deadlines and it seems unmanageable, take them on one at a time and take short breaks to paint, listen to music, spend time with friends or play some games,” said Lalonde. “That way, when you start working again, you'll be in a better mindset to start the next task. Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help from sources other than your friends or your family. You have amazing professors and tons of university programs, including the peer tutoring program, to help you when you are struggling.”

Next year Lalonde will be returning to Nipissing in order to complete a Bachelor of Education. His goal is to be able to teach internationally at the beginning of his career and to return home to settle down later in life.

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