Master of Environmental Studies/Environmental Science Grad students present at Canadian Association of Geographers

Nipissing University Master of Environmental Studies/Environmental Science graduate students put their research knowledge on display last weekend at The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers – Ontario Division in Ottawa.There were four MES/MESc graduate students presenting their research projects, representing a breadth of research interests. Students were selected based on their paper and poster abstracts.
The following students gave presentations at the event:
Necole Truman presentedAn Analysis of Ontario’s source water protection plan: The threats and policies for the protection of our source water.
Laurel Muldoon presented Reconstructing the Plio-Pleistocene climate in Alaska and the Yukon using ?13C and ?18O isotopic signatures of Larch (Larix lacricina).
Sonje Bols presentedThe historical distribution of Bank Swallows in Northern Ontario.
Stephanie Rhude presented Exploring relationships between hyperspectral data and nitrogen application levels for two field crops located in the West Nipissing agricultural region of northern Ontario.
CAGONT is a division of the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) that aims to encourage of geographic study, teaching, research and application in Ontario.
The Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) is committed to the dissemination of geographic research and the promotion of geography as a key discipline in education, research, and in the public and private sectors nationally and internationally.
