History seminar this Friday

Nipissing’s History Department will be hosting the annual History Seminar Talk featuring Kelly Morris, service course instructor for History and Classics, presentingWhy Delphine Didn't: A Case of the Challenges to Popular Canoninzation in the 14th Century on Friday, March 20 at 2:30 p.m. in room A122.Here’s an abstract:During the 13th and 14th centuries, followers of Saint Francis were noted for the intensity of their piety and devotion to the rules established for his Order. Elzéar de Sabran (1286-1323) and Delphine de Signe (1283-1360) were two such dedicated adherents who maintained a celibate marriage, despite the pressures and obligations of their stations. Elzéar was canonized in 1369, at the same time as Delphine was proclaimed ‘Blessed.’ This paper will consider some of the obstacles that prevented Delphine from achieving the same lofty standing as her husband.

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