Glow Zumba World University Service of Canada fundraiser

Nipissing University’s localWorld University Service of Canada (WUSC) is hosting a glow Zumba event on Tuesday, November 3, at 7 p.m. at the Wall to raise money for the WUSC Shine-A-Light Campaign.
Did you know that most girls in refugee camps are expected to help with domestic chores and sibling care, limiting their opportunity to go to school?  Unfortunately, most are unable to complete primary school, let alone high school.

This event will help WUSC reach their goal of supporting refugee girls' education, while creating a conversation about the obstacle girls around the world face in pursuing school.

Check out glow Zumba - get fit, have fun and support young girls in refugee camps so they can continue to study and gain the self-confidence they need to succeed.

?Admittance is $5 at the door and includes water for the event and a glow stick.


My Nipissing