NU Student and band vying for Best New Artist handle

Second-year Nipissing student Nathan Olmstead, and his band, This Harbour, is looking to be named Canada’s Best New Artist, and you (and your vote) can help.
Olmstead, studying psychology and religion at Nipissing, is competing in CBC Music’s Searchlight contest, competing for votes with bands and solo artists from all over Canada. 

Here’s a link to This Harbour’s profile. 

You can learn more about Searchlight and register to vote, here.  You’ll find This Harbour under the Sudbury (Points North) region.

Searchlight is a competition that connects artists with fans in their community and across the country. Vote for your favourite bands in your region and across the country. It's all leading to a grand prize, including $20,000 worth of music equipment from Yamaha Music Canada, a professional recording with CBC Music, and an opening spot on a high profile music showcase.

My Nipissing