Nipissing Residence life team cleans up at conference

Congratulations to the Nipissing Residence Life team on their awards from this past weekend’s Ontario Residence Hall Association conference.

Residence Life had eight students representing Residents’ Council and two professional delegates attend the Ontario Residence Hall Association (ORHA) at the University of Guelph. Over 4 different institutions from across Ontario were represented at the conference, aimed at networking and information sharing across residence student governments.

The Nipissing University delegation received a number of individual and group awards. Students Jess McFaul, and Meghan Fisher won individual awards for Ontario Communications Coordinator of the Year, and Residence Council Member of the Year, respectfully.

Student Meaghan Cyr was nominated as the First-Year Student of the Year for her participation as part of the Nipissing University Residence Life Team. In addition to the individual awards, the group received the Most Spirited School award as well as the Grand Supreme award for best delegation.

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