Nipissing releases Strategic Mandate Agreement

Last week, Ontario’s Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities released a series of Strategic Mandate Agreements negotiated with the province’s publicly funded universities. The agreements provide an opportunity for universities to demonstrate their distinctive opportunities for students and the positive contributions to society.
According to the MTCU, this process is the next step inOntario’s Differentiation Policy Framework for Postsecondary Education. 

Nipissing’s ownStrategic Mandate Agreement, which can be accessed here, highlights the university’s key areas of differentiation:
Nipissing University primarily focuses on excellence in undergraduate teaching and learning, ensuring access to postsecondary opportunities for all students. Nipissing plays a significant role in the local community, helping to meet the needs of Northeastern Ontario. Nipissing gives special attention to Aboriginal and first generation learners in the North. One of Nipissing’s key differentiation elements is its Schulich School of Education. It is an excellent example of “vertical” differentiation, with one of the largest undergraduate programs in the province, as well as a strong graduate program, including an innovative doctorate in Education (with a focus on sustainability).
The document underlines Nipissing’s commitment to its region, excellence in teaching and the undergraduate learning experience, as well as the strength of our partnerships with colleges and other universities.

It also shows plans for reasonable enrolment growth.  

Proposed program areas for growth listed in the agreement include: Inter-professional Health Education, Education, Social Justice, Administration/Management, and Science and Technology.

My Nipissing