Nipissing celebrates National Grammar Day

Grammar slammers marched forth on March 4to celebrate National Grammar Day at Nipissing University’s North Bay Campus. Students, staff and faculty supported the Academic Skills Program’s efforts to promote proper grammar usage in everyday writing, speaking and text messaging.
A booth was set up in the Education Centre hallway where peer educators in the Academic Skills Program encouraged passersby to share their grammar pet peeves to spread awareness of common grammatical errors.  Over 100 grammar pet peeves were collected, ranging from comma and semi-colon misusage, to the most popular “your” versus “you’re” issue.  Several grammar discussions were held, such as the difference between “affect” and “effect”; the confusion of “centre” and “center”; and the overuse of “agreeance,” “irregardless” and other meaningless words.  Everyone who contributed their opinions was enthusiastic and committed to spreading the word about the proper use of the English language and putting an end to senseless grammatical errors.

For their contributions, participants were rewarded with chocolate and suckers to give them a much needed boost during midterm season. Thank you to all participants of National Grammar Day and to the passionate advocates of proper grammar usage year round. 

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