Meet NU’s new recruitment team

They’ve got one of the most important jobs at the university: working in high schools all over the province to spread the word about what a great place Nipissing is to study, and recruit students to enroll. NU news is proud to introduce our new Student Recruitment Officers.  
They are on-campus until Friday, September 12 for training before they head out for nine weeks all over Ontario to tell prospective students why Nipissing University is where they belong. If you see them around campus, take the time to tell them what you love about Nipissing, it just might make a difference to a high school student somewhere out there.

And now, with no further ado, please meet Nipissing’s Recruitment Officers!

Maggie Daniel, BA ’14 (honours)History/Political Science, minor in Sociology
Why I am unique: I’ve lived in North Bay all my life. I have a passion for random facts and I plan on being a crazy animal-lady.
What I love about NU: The small class sizes at Nipissing allow students to really build a close-knit community of learners and the scenery outside every window is a breath-taking post-card, every season.  

Kevin Hawker, BA ‘14, Criminology, minor in Psychology
Why I am unique: I come from a really big family of 10 children. I guess that’s where I get my sense of humour and my ability to get along with all sorts of people.
What I love about NU: Student life at Nipissing is one of a kind. The opportunities to get involved are endless. So, if students are interested in the student union, volunteer work or having an active social calendar, this is the best place to be. 

Darryl Oliver, BA ’10 (honours) English, minor in History
Why I am unique: I have returned to the North from my first career in Southern Ontario. I love to meet new people and hear their stories, so if you see me in the hallways, please, introduce yourself.
What I love about NU: The one-on-one relationships with academic professionals in this pristine setting. Where else do you get that? 

John Picard, MA ‘13 History, BA, ‘12 (Honours) History, minor in French
Why I am unique: I was published during my undergrad in a peer-reviewed journal, alongside Dr. Nestar Russell.
What I love about NU: The opportunity to work closely with my professors and the interest they take in their students. Because of the interest professors took in me, I had a lot of opportunities in my undergrad that I would not have had elsewhere. 

Emma Telfer-Crum, BEd ’14 (Primary/Junior), BA ‘13 (Honours) Child and Family Studies
Why I am unique: I was privileged to pursue my undergraduate studies at the Muskoka campus, where I was able to really experience all that the NU family has to offer.
What I love about NU: The administrators in Muskoka: Jan, Terri and Lorna, are prime examples of the wonderful people who support student success at Nipissing University.

My Nipissing