Don’t fear the Bears…know what to do

Bear sightings at Nipissing University have, and will continue to occur. To help educate the University community on bear behaviour, the following links to the Ministry of Natural Resources’ website provide information on how to avoid bear encounters and what to do in the unlikely event of a bear attack.
All bear sightings should be reported to the Office of the Vice-President, Operations, as soon as possible following the occurrence. Phone: (705) 474-3450 ext. 4848;
Be safe in bear country
Black bears live in most parts of Ontario. Chances are wherever you live, visit or spend your leisure time, you will be near bears or bear habitat. For your own personal safety, it is important that you learn about bears and their behaviour. Know how to prevent and handle potential encounters with bears.

How to avoid encounters with black bears while enjoying the outdoors
Black bears are smart, curious, powerful and potentially dangerous. And they don’t like surprises. If you are a hiker, cyclist, jogger, berry picker, or you plan to spend some time in “bear country”, you need to know how bears behave so that you can avoid an encounter.
What to do if you encounter a bear
Knowing what to do if you encounter a bear is being “Bear Wise”. But some encounters may be more dangerous than others, so it’s important to recognize the signs, and know what you can do to protect yourself.
Black bears – Frequently Asked Questions
What if I see a black bear? What if I get between a black bear mother and her cubs? What if a black bear ignores me and doesn't run away? This website answers these, as well as other frequently asked questions.

My Nipissing