Annual maintenance shutdown this weekend

Please note, there will be regular electrical shutdowns at Nipissing University this weekend as the school is undertaking the annual maintenance shutdown May 10 – 11.  Because maintenance work may be occurring in hallways and critical safety systems may not have power, the North Bay campus will be closed from Saturday at 6 a.m. until power is restored. This year's maintenance shutdown will start on Saturday morning at 6 a.m. followed by select electrical shutdowns throughout the day. Shutdowns will be localized in nature, as workers complete maintenance and gather data on equipment that cannot be done live. Power is expected to be fully restored by Saturday night at 11 p.m. NOTE:The Annual Shutdown is regularly scheduled for the second weekend of May.  Please mark May 8-10, 2015, as the date for this annual event for next year.

My Nipissing