Veteran Woolner expected to bring leadership to men’s volleyball team

Photo of Steve Woolner

Lakers men’s volleyball coach Eric Yung is pleased to be adding some veteran leadership with the addition of Steve Woolner to the program. Woolner, from Waterloo, Ontario, brings two years of Ontario University Athletics (OUA) experience playing for the University of Guelph before transferring to Laurier and red-shirting in his transfer year.

The Libero then switched sports to play two years of football at Laurier and is now eager to get back on the volleyball court for his sport of passion in the upcoming year. "I am looking forward to coming to Nipissing in the upcoming year for many reasons,” said Woolner. “The main reason is for the excellent teaching program and the beautiful area it is located in. I am also very excited to be playing volleyball under Eric Yung as the program moves into the OUA.” Coach Yung is obviously very excited to be adding valuable OUA experience to his young squad. "Steve will bring leadership both on and off the court regardless of the role he will be assigned,” said Yung. “I believe his teaching experience abroad along with his domestic varsity experience will enable him to create a great learning environment for our younger players."

The Lakers OUA schedule is now complete and the Lakers will begin OUA play at home against the Waterloo Warriors on October 18 at 8 p.m. followed by the Guelph Gryphons the following evening at the same time.
