Spike hunger with Lakers men’s volleyball

Nipissing’s 2013 CCAA National Championship-winning men’s volleyball team invites all local grade 7 and 8 boys and girls interested in playing competitive volleyball to a two-hour volleyball clinic, September 21 at the Robert J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre. Players will learn the fundamental and technical aspects of volleyball from Lakers head coach Eric Yung, associate coach Jamie Vanderzande, and the entire 2013/14 men’s volleyball team featuring CCAA and OCAA Athlete of the Year Frankie Edgecombe and provincial team member Warren Taylor.

Participants must bring a pair of indoor shoes in order to participate. Coaches are welcome to attend the clinic as well.

Registration starts at 9 a.m. and the clinic begins at 10.

In the spirit of community giving, the clinic is offered free-of-charge, with a non-perishable food item or monetary donation towards The North Bay Food Bank requested in lieu of money.

For more information, please contact head coachEric Yung.
