Roll out the welcome mat!

Classes resume on Monday, August 26, for students in the Schulich School of Education’s Consecutive Education program, followed in short order by residence move-in, Frosh Week and the start of the fall term.Residence will be rocking on Saturday, August 31, with students and families unloading all their goods, friends getting reacquainted and future best friends meeting for the very first time.
NUSU’s Week at the Froshcars Opening Ceremonies for Frosh Week launches on Tuesday, September 3. After an exhausting week of incredible fun, events will wrap up on Saturday, September 7 with the annual cystic fibrosis fundraiser, Shinerama. Look for Nipissing students shining all over the city, and please give generously.
Monday, September 9, heralds the start of classes.

My Nipissing