Recognize a student volunteer

Everyone knows Nipissing students are some of the greatest, most committed individuals around and that they make a tremendous contribution to this university; now you can recommend a student to be honoured for their contribution with a Volunteer Service Award.  
Organized by Nipissing’s Learning Network, the Volunteer Service Awards are intended to recognize and thank students who volunteer on-campus. Each student who is selected will receive a personalized certificate for their service here at Nipissing University and will be honoured at a reception on Friday, April 5, 2013.

The awards are organized into three categories, delineated by length of volunteer service: Budding (one semester of volunteerism), Promising (one academic year of volunteerism), and Dedicated (more than 2 years of volunteerism).

For more information and to find the Recommendation Form, just click here.

Recommendations deadline is Thursday, February 28, 2013.

My Nipissing