Ramp up your event promo on social media

Have you got an upcoming event at Nipissing University and want it promoted? Of course you do! Fear not, Nipissing’s office of external relations wants to help spread the word!We can help in supporting your efforts! Send us any upcoming events or important dates that you would like to promote through our social media channels. The event could be departmental, student focused, or simply an important message for students, faculty and staff.
All we need from you is the key information: title of the event, date, time, location and any other details surrounding the event. If you’ve got photos, great!  Send those too.
Please submit event details at least two weeks in advance of the event. We’ll do our best to promote on social media all events that are submitted.
You can email event details or any questions toRobyn Pekarchuk, copywriter.

My Nipissing