NU student co-authors paper

Nipissing University student Emily Gillespie can now add writer to her resume. The fourth-year Gender Equality and Social Justice student has co-authored an article, Representing Reconciliation, with Dr. Rosemary Nagy for the Society for Building a Healthier Kugluktuk. The article is based on Gillespie’s honours thesis and was written specifically for this publication. In it, Gillespie and Nagy discuss media representation of Canada’s Indian Residential schools and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.You can read the article here.

Nagy has previously contributed two articles to the Society for Building A Healthier Kugluktuk: Truth, Reconciliation and “Success” in the International Context, andThe Power of Truth.

The Society for Building a Healthier Kugluktuk provides support and healing for survivors of Indian Residential Schools.
Nagy and Gillespie plan to write a longer, journal length article later this summer. Gillespie is graduating Nipissing this summer and is heading to York University in the fall to pursue a Master degree in Critical Disability Studies.

For more information on the Society for Building a Healthier Kugluktuk website.

My Nipissing