Nipissing teaming up with City to host Robotics competition

Get ready Nipissing, the robots are coming.Between 30 to 40 teams with an average of 25 students per team will invade North Bay and Nipissing University early in 2014 for the one and only FIRST Robotics event north of Toronto. The teams will compete to build robots for a Regional competition.
FIRST Robotics is part of an international program for students. It combines the knowledge of sport, science, technology and teamwork while challenging the students with limited resources and tight deadlines.
"This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our city to future business leaders, professionals, and scientists. A key component of attracting business and industry to our city starts with attracting future leaders and assisting local leaders as they compete on the world stage," stated Co-Chair Mayor Al McDonald. "I would like to thank FIRST International for their confidence in our city, our university and our committee."
The opportunity provides students with a hands-on learning experience as they design, build and program their robots. The remote-controlled robots will play a series of games and will need to score as many points as possible to continue progressing through each round of the tournament. Winners will earn spots in the FIRST World Championships, to be held in St. Louis at the end of April 2014.
“If there was a Stanley Cup for the mind, FIRST Robotics Competition would be it”, said Co-Chair Anthony Rota. “We at Nipissing University are proud to host this world-renowned event at our North Bay campus. Young people taking what they have learned about math, science and technology to a final faceoff is the ultimate in applied learning.”
North Bay’s local FIRST Team 1305 has competed on the world stage and has won many awards. Team 1305 is recognized as a leader in regional and international competition. The students are great ambassadors for North Bay and continue to bring worldwide attention. This will be a great opportunity for Team 1305 to compete in front of family and friends. We encourage our citizens young and old to attend and witness this incredible competition.

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