Nipissing students on internship in Kenya

Fout Kenya interns

A group of four Nipissing University students are heading to Kenya today for a three-month adventure as participants in the Students for Development (SFD) Internship.

In partnership with Moi University, located in Eldoret, Kenya, and Free the Children, the student interns will work on a range of projects defined by Moi University while assisting residents of rural Kenyan communities to improve living, working and study conditions. Each student will conduct internship activities related to their Nipissing degree program and determined by Moi University based on local needs. 

The four student interns are:

Erica Chezick, a fourth-year Nursing student from Thunder Bay, Ontario, whose SFD internship involves nursing and health care at Moi University Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Sarah Jones, a fourth-year Nursing student from Fergus, Ontario, who will also be working on the nursing and health care at Moi University Teaching and Referral Hospital project.

Sophie Hurst, fourth-year Concurrent Education/English student from Whitby, Ontario, whose internship activities involve teaching at El-View Primary School in Eldoret, Kenya.

Jennifer Andrusyszyn, a third-year Geography student from Midland, Ontario, whose internship project involves water management projects in conjunction with professors from Moi University.

Their internship runs until April 22, 2013.

These students will also have the opportunity to explore Kenyan culture, traditions, languages and general lifestyle as they gain a better understanding of the importance of the intersecting nature of water, health and education as it relates to the lives of the Kenyan people. An overarching focus of their observations relates to gender equity in Kenyan communities. Through their activities they will also address three CIDA focus themes: food security, securing the future of children and youth, and promoting sustainable economic growth.

This is the second year of the SFD Internship Project, funded by CIDA. Last year, three Nipissing students conducted similar internships with great success and sustainable outcomes.

The SFD Internship program was undertaken with financial support of the government of Canada provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the SFD Internships are managed by the Association of University and Colleges of Canada (AUCC).

My Nipissing