Nipissing Nordic Welcomes Kajsa Heyes

Photo of Kajsa Heyes

Nipissing University’s varsity Nordic team is very pleased to announce that Kajsa Heyes, second place finisher in the 2013 Canadian Colleges and Universities Nordic Championships U23 division, will attend Nipissing this year and compete for the Lakers.Heyes is a proven, experienced athlete who represents her club, Hollyburn Nordic and the BC Ski Team.  She has also earned a spot representing Canada and Nipissing at this year’s World University Games.
Heyes’ ski racing is grounded in an embrace of the outdoor sporting life. She has used her visibility as an elite athlete to raise awareness for worldwide water quality and scarcity issues, taking part in a 2010 expedition that saw her run across Tunisia for the cause. After having spent two years skiing full-time at the National Training Center and a year as part of the Elite Athlete Program at Quest University, she is now dedicating her energies to herstudies and skiing for Nipissing, while working toward her goal of securing a spot at the U23 World Championships.
“Nipissing offers many great things for a cross-country skier that are hard to come by at other Canadian universities,” said Heyes. “I’m a fan of the small university system, and Nipissing’s small class sizes are a definite plus.”
The addition of Heyes will consolidate what is now a very strong women’s side to the Nipissing squad, with bright prospects for the Lakers as they prepare to host the 2014 and 2015 OUA Championships in North Bay.
