Nipissing hosts anniversary celebration

20 Years as a university and a decade of education in BrantfordNipissing University is celebrating its birthday with a party at its Wellington Street Campus in Brantford on February 12, 2013, from 2 – 5 p.m.As part of year-long celebrations to recognize Nipissing’s 20th Anniversary as a degree granting institution, the university invites students, alumni, community friends, partners and supporters to a birthday party.  The occasion also marks the 10 year anniversary of Nipissing’s Brantford Campus.
“We are excited to celebrate our accomplishments over 20 years as a university, and during our decade in Brantford,” said Dr. Mike DeGagné, President and Vice-Chancellor of Nipissing University.  “The Brantford campus has grown from just 29 students in 2002 to more than 1,000 students today and we are proud to play a significant role in this region. The Schulich School of Education is highly respected throughout the province and our students are fantastic ambassadors for Nipissing University and the Brantford community.”
The anniversary party will feature music performed by Nipissing students and faculty, refreshments and speeches by: Dr. DeGagné; Chris Friel, Mayor of Brantford; Dave Levac, MPP Brant; Dr. Max Blouw, President and Vice-Chancellor of Wilfrid Laurier University; and Paul Armstrong, Dean of Mohawk College – Brantford Campus. All members of the community are invited to attend this free event.
This party serves as the culmination of anniversary activities at Nipissing’s three campuses in Brantford, Bracebridge and North Bay.  Other anniversary events in Brantford have included welcoming Spencer West to the Sanderson Centre for an inspirational talk, hosting an International Food Festival as part of Homecoming festivities, a Kraft Dinner lunch and sponsoring a back-to-school community race. 

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