Nipissing hosting leading researchers at international math conference

Nipissing University is welcoming more than 130 participants from over 20 countries this week to listen to talks by leading researchers and to discuss mathematics, as host of the 28th Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications."Nipissing University has a very strong Computer Science and Mathematics department, focused on teaching, learning and research. This strength allows us to attract international leaders in the field to our campus," said Dr. Harley d'Entremont, Vice President, Academic and Research at Nipissing.
The conference will encompass 110 talks and presentations and take place over four days (July 23 to 26, 2013). Nipissing faculty member Dr. Vesko Valov is scheduled to present alongside speakers from countries including Canada, England, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, the Ukraine, and the United States.
The conference will have a special session titled New Trends in Topology to emphasize the applications of topology in computational problems. One of the important applications of topology is in the analysis of large data sets and data mining. Developing methods and techniques to analyze large data sets and extracting information from these sets is challenging, and the conference will have talks on applications of topology to these problems. Dr. Gunnar Carlsson, of Stanford University, who is a plenary speaker, is one of the leading researchers in large data sets analysis. In addition, there will be talks on topics such as modeling of diseases in citrus fruits, patient flow in ER, and more.
"Our ability to attract this conference speaks to the reputation Nipissing University's Computer Science and Mathematics department, which has a cluster of well-known faculty-researchers who specialize in topology," commented Dr. Murat Tuncali, Assistant Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies with Nipissing and Co-organizer of the Conference. "Spring workshops have taken place on our campus for over 20 years, and mathematicians from around the globe have visited North Bay to participate in math discussions and enjoy the hospitality offered on our campus as well as by the City of North Bay."
The event will also welcome 30 graduate students and recent PhDs as a result of funding from the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences (Toronto) and the National Science Foundation of the United States. The Conference is also being sponsored by the City of North Bay, the City College of New York (CUNY) and Nipissing University.
This conference is held annually and in recent years has taken place in the Czech Republic, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa and Spain. It was previously hosted by Nipissing in 1997. For more information, please visit
The 28th Summer Conference on Topology will feature talks and workshops on wide-ranging areas of topology and some of the most significant research problems. There will be 110 talks over four days including 7 plenary lectures, 8 semi-plenary lectures, 2 workshops with 3 lectures each and 5 parallel special sessions.
The following leading researchers are scheduled to present:Taras Banakh (Ivan Franko National University, L’viv, Ukraine)Phillip Boyland (University of Florida-Gainesville, USA)Gunnar Carlsson (Stanford University)Alex Clark (University of Leicester, England)Dikran Dikranjan (University of Udine, Italy)Alexander Dranishnikov ( University of Florida-Gainesville)Jurek Dydak (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)Kazuhiro Kawamura (University of Tsukuba, Japan)Akira Koyama (Waseda University, Japan)Chris Mouron (Rhodes College, Memphis, USA)Lex Oversteegen (University of Alabama-Birmingham, USA)Stevo Todorcevic (University of Toronto, Canada)Todor Tsankov (Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, France)Edward D. Tymchatyn (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)Vesko Valov (Nipissing University)Jan Van Mill (VU - Amsterdam)Michael Yampolsky (University of Toronto, Canada)Michael Zarichnyi (Ivan Franko National University, L’viv, Ukraine) ?

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