Nipissing grads getting jobs

Nipissing University graduates are enjoying great success in securing well-paying jobs in their field, according to a new provincial government study.Nipissing’s employment rate for 2010 graduates who participated in the survey is 93 per cent two years after graduation, and 87 per cent six months after graduation. Those percentages slightly outpace the provincial averages of 92 per cent and 86 per cent, respectively.
Nipissing graduates are working within their chosen field, with 85 per cent saying their employment is related to their degree.
Of the seven percent of Nipissing graduates not currently employed, 64 per cent were furthering their education.
According to the survey, the average salary for Ontario university graduates in full-time employment was $49,277 two years after graduation, and $42,668 earned six months after graduation.
“This survey clearly demonstrates the value of a degree from Nipissing University,” said Dr. Mike DeGagné, Nipissing president and vice-chancellor. “We take pride in providing our students with an exceptional university experience that prepares them for their future as well as the future of our province.  We are graduating talented, skilled critical thinkers and creative problem solvers who are working in their chosen fields to the benefit of communities throughout Ontario.”
The survey was conducted for the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities by the independent firm CCI Research Inc.
“Ontario universities are preparing students for careers in an ever-changing workplace and are key players in economic success as we recover from the global recession,” says COU President and CEO Bonnie M. Patterson. “Our graduates have the critical thinking skills and adaptability employers are looking for in today's fast-paced, technology-driven economy. They know how to learn and possess the resilience needed for the long term."
In all, 70,845 students who graduated from undergraduate programs at Ontario universities in 2010 were surveyed between November 2012 and March 2013, with 25,583 or 36.1 per cent responding.??

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