Nipissing faculty contribute to new book

Contemporary Studies Pedagogies Cover

Schulich School of Education professor, Dr. Andrejs Kulnieks has co-edited a new book,Contemporary Studies in Environmental and Indigenous Pedagogies: A Curricula of Stories and Place, with Dr. Dan Roronhiakewen Longboat and Dr. Kelly Young, both from Trent University. The book is a compilation of the work of experienced educational researchers and practitioners, all of whom currently work in educational settings across North America. Contributors bring to this discussion an enriched view of diverse ecological perspectives regarding when and how contemporary environmental and Indigenous curriculum figures into the experiences of curricular theories and practices. This work brings together theorists that inform a cultural ecological analysis of the environmental crisis by exploring the ways in which language informs ways of knowing and being as they outline how metaphor plays a major role in human relationships with natural and reconstructed environments. Dr. Kulnieks also contributed a chapter in the book, Beyond Dualism: Toward a Transdisciplinary Indigenous Environmental Studies Model of Environmental Education Curricula with Dr. Roronhiakewen Longboatand Dr.  Young. Schulich School of Education faculty members, Dr. Thomas Ryan and Dr. Astrid Steele also contributed a chapter, Becoming visible: Reconceptualizing curriculum. The book can be accessed, here.

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