Nipissing Brantford offers career forum

Approximately 200 fifth-year students gathered on Nipissing’s Brantford campus recently for the annual Teacher Candidate Career Forum (TCCF), planned in collaboration with Laurier University.The TCCF involved of a morning of information sessions. The first was titled Advice from the Other Side. It included a panel of three recent graduates who are currently teaching sharing their tips, tricks and advice with the graduating class.
Area principals came to share input from their school boards in the popular Principal Panel.
Students also had access to an International Panel session, consisting of three graduates who taught internationally after earning their degree. One of the graduates  shared her international teaching experiences from Vietnam using Skype.
Following the morning  sessions, students were invited to a Career Fair, consisting of 14 Organizations, two Ontario school boards, two school boards from outside of Ontario, and 10 international recruitment agencies.
Many recruiters from the Career Fair spoke highly of the Nipissing noting that they were professional, prepared, friendly and enthusiastic about teaching, and were very open to exploring teaching opportunities outside of Ontario. Recruiters were happy with the turnout of students attending the fair, reporting that the turnout was higher than was seen at larger faculties of education they had recently visited.

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