Near North Voices welcomes Singing Out

Photo of Singing Out poster

Building on the success of the 2011-12 Sharing Our Choral Art concert series, Near North Voices is pleased to welcome Singing Out – Toronto’s LGBTQ Community Chorus to North Bay on Saturday, March 2, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrews United Church, North Bay.Now in its 20th year, Singing Out’s 50-member chorus presents a diverse program of pop, showtunes, classical, folk, and jazz, showing their pride through music that entertains and speaks to the wider community.
This three-choir concert will feature performances by Singing Out, Near North Voices, and the Choir of St. Andrew’s United Church. A combined choral finale is sure to impress!
Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students with valid ID, and are available at
Gulliver’s Quality Books and Toys or from NNV choir members.
This concert is presented in partnership with St. Andrew’s Church, North Bay.
For more information, please contact Dr. Adam

My Nipissing