Lakers women’s hockey ready to rock

History will be made on October 5, 2013, as the new Nipissing University Lakers women’s hockey team dons their blue and green sweaters to face the Brock Badgers in the first ever women’s OUA regular season hockey game in the city of North Bay. The regular season schedule is now available for the Lakers women’s team.  They’ll play 24 games, 12 at home in North Bay.  While the renovations to Memorial Gardens are completed, the team will play its first two home games, October 5 against Brock and October 6 against the Guelph Gryphons, at North Bay’s West Ferris arena. “We are very excited to hit the ice,” said head coach Darren Turcotte.  “With this being the inaugural season, there is a lot of anticipation.  We have some very good players coming to our training camp and I think we’ll be able to surprise some teams.  My goal is to play an exciting brand of hockey that will be entertaining for our fans and to help my players reachtheir goals on and off the ice.” “Darren has done a lot of work recruiting student-athletes. He is fully committed to building a winning program for women’s hockey at Nipissing,” said Vito Castiglione, director of Athletics at Nipissing.  “The women’s team will be a great addition to student life atNipissing and is sure to entertain many hockey fans in North Bay.” General admission tickets for each home game will cost $10 for an adult, $7.50 for seniors and students, $5 for Nipissing students (with valid ID), and $5 for children under 12. The university is also pleased to announce that Gary Davison will be working with the women’s hockey team ashead of sales and game-day coordinator.
