Buon viaggio! Nipissing Brantford students off to Italy

Photo of students going to Italy

A group of 28 concurrent education students are getting the opportunity to mix international travel with their teaching placement, as they’re heading to Sulmona, Italy April 29 – May 19, to teach English to Italian students in a range of classrooms ranging from preschool to adult education.The students will be joined by three faculty facilitators: Angela Davis, Jenny Guibert and Maria Cantalini-Williams. The trip is organized through the Hamilton Dante Centre and the Nipissing University International Initiatives Office.
This is the seventh time a group of students from Nipissing’s Brantford campus has made the trip to Italy.
An additional feature of this trip is a visit to the schools of L'Aquila that were rebuilt after the earthquake of 2009. L'Aquila was the initial site of the practicum in 2007 and 2008. In 2009, Brantford citizens raised $34,000 for the reconstruction of the Technology Lab at the University of L'Aquila. In appreciation, the lab displays a commemorative plaque. While visiting L'Aquila, the Nipissing group will also meet with students and professors at the Faculty of Education of the University of L'Aquila.
In March 2013, the concurrent education students hosted a Spaghetti Night at the Rossini Lodge in Brantford to raise monies for teaching supplies for the Italian classrooms.

My Nipissing