TEDxNipissingU Talks now available

Following the success of the recent TEDxNipissingU Talks, held at Nipissing’s Muskoka campus on March 8, NU News is proud to announce that for the next few weeks, we will feature one of the speakers who presented at TEDxNipissingU.The inaugural TEDxNipissingU event featured 12 live speakers, including Nipissing University faculty members Dr. Peter Nosko, Ken Stange and Renee Valiquette, as well as staffer Alexandra Archibald. Each speaker presented a short talk on their interpretation of the theme “What’s Possible”.

Today’s NU News featured TEDxNipissingU Talk is:Blake Fly – Who Do You Appreciate?
Blake is a huge fan of The Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles, is heavily lactose intolerant and his favourite movie is admittedly The Notebook. He is the author of “Campus Gets Wasted” and Co-Author of “The Art and Science of Success.” Blake spent nearly a decade living, learning and leading in university residences as a Residence Advisor, Don and Manager. He totaled over 6000 roommates in his university days. Referred to as “The Rez Dispenser,” Blake has seen everything that goes into the dorms and everything that comes out of them.
TEDxNipissingU Talks will also be released over the TEDxNipissingU Facebook page.
TEDxNipissingU are also available on the mainTEDx Youtube channel?: 

My Nipissing