Nipissing University summer camps

Registration is now open for summer camps at Nipissing University, providing opportunity for kids to learn about Science, Engineering, Math, and Hockey…and get out of their parents’ hair for a while.  Sorry folks, Volleyball Camp is sold out.Science, Engineering and Mathematics camps are offered through Nipissing’s Office of Aboriginal Initiatives and the Schulich School of Education.  Open to children ages 9 – 14, sessions include Ecological Sciences, Outdoor Education, Engineering and the Environment, Health Sciences and Aquatic Studies.  Camps run in concurrent weeks to August 3, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. daily.  The cost is $100 per week.

The Nipissing Lakers Hockey Camp runs for two separate weeks, August 20 – 24, and August 27 – 31, at Memorial Gardens. Lakers Head Coach Mike McParland will lead the hockey camp with the help of Lakers players and assistant coaches.  McParland brings 20 years of coaching experience in the Swiss National League, as well as Head Coach for Team Canada Tournament Champion at the Skoda Cup Tournament in Slovakia in 2003.  The camp will consist of a mix of on-ice training, off-ice core-body training and an educational component. It is divided into three age groups: 6 – 8 year-olds (costing $160); 9 – 11 year-olds ($175); and ages 11+ ($175). Goalies are also welcome to attend at a cost of $150. This year, as part of the educational component, the camp is partnering with North Bay Police Service to offer campers a talk about bullying, cyber-bullying and drug use.  The camp will also offer expert advice from Source for Sports about equipment.  Dr. Jim McAuliffe, director of Nipissing’s School of Physical and Health Education, will provide information about concussions.

The Nipissing Lakers Summer Volleyball Camps ARE NOW SOLD OUT.  They include both the All Skills Co-Ed Volleyball Camp, August 13 – 17, and the Peak Performance – Girls Volleyball Camp, July 30 – August 3. The All Skills - Co-Ed Volleyball Camp - SOLD OUT The Peak Performance – Girls' Volleyball Camp -  SOLD OUT
