Nearly Naked Mile collecting clothes

Nipissing University Student Ambassadors (NUSA) is hosting the first Nearly Naked Mile, an opportunity to strip down (nearly) for a clothing drive on March 31.Here’s how it works: Participants arrive at the designated running spot wearing as much as they can.  Then they remove and donate one coat and/or at least two articles of clothing, before running a mile in appropriate undergarments (or in regular clothing).
The purpose is twofold: to provide empathy for what it is like to be outside with minimal clothing: something that hundreds of homeless people across Ontario experience every day; and to collect clothing for Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre.
The Nearly Naked Mile will also include a DJ, activities, prizes and plenty of Nipissing and North Bay pride. Photographer Andrew Livitt will have a photo booth set up and prints can be made on the spot for a $5 donation to Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre.
Applications to participate in the Nearly Naked Mile can be picked up in F301 from Trina Prince. The cost to participate is $15, which also gets you an awesome T-shirt.

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