Managhan goes the extra mile

Congratulations to Sandra Managhan, registration clerk, on her recent nomination for the Go the Extra Mile Award.Here is what the individual nominating her had to say:
“I need to nominate Sandra Managhan at Nipissing University for the "Go the extra mile award" because she is so helpful and kind. Whenever she can give guidance or direction to students she does so and she ALWAYS does it with a smile upon her face. She is in the Registrar's Office at Nipissing and she really is just the most wonderful and helpful person. I'd venture to say that often people find it hard to remember the names of those who assist them in the community. This is not the case with Sandra...if I ever need help, or know someone who does at the Registrar's Office, Sandra Managhan...her name just pops up immediately! She definitely deserves to be recognized, because she is certainly appreciated!”
The Go the Extra Mile Program is an initiative of the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce. It is aimed to reward business owners, employees and volunteers for excellence in customer service. Rewarding customer service acknowledges the performance and contributions in making North Bay and district a better place to live and encourages visitors to our area. Whether the nominee works in retail, manufacturing, hospitality, public service,not-for-profit or a charitable organization, the North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce would like to reward its stars!?

My Nipissing