Library wins award

Photo of Harris Learning Library interior

The Harris Learning Library has won an award in the 2012 Library Interior Design Competition in the Academic Libraries over 30,000 square feet category.The award was announced recently by the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) and the Buildings and Equipment Section of the Library Leadership and Management Association, a division of the American Library Association.
The biennial awards honour excellence in library interior design, incorporating aesthetics, design creativity, function and satisfaction of the client's objectives. Seven winners and three honourable mentions were chosen out of 117 projects submitted from throughout North America.
“The overall quality of the submissions was at the highest level,” said Felice Silverman, IIDA. “Each project brought a unique solution to the ever-evolving concept of a library. The designers were faced with new functional and technological challenges and responded with creativity and innovation.”
Dr. Susan Parker of the UCLA library and a member of the judging panel, agreed, “These designs delivered fresh, imaginative and comfortable spaces that have been designed, built and furnished with a thoughtful understanding of the needs of the libraries’ constituent communities.”
Congratulations to the Harris Learning Library architects, Diamond + Schmitt Architects / Evans Bertrand Hill Wheeler Architecture Inc., Toronto, Ontario.

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