Lafrance Horning publishes on marketing Lakers hockey

Photo of Lakers hockey playoffs

Congratulations to Denyse Lafrance Horning on the publication of her case, Nipissing University Varsity Hockey - If We Build It, Will They Come?, in the January 2012 edition of the North American Case Research Association’s Case Research Journal.In the publication, Lafrance Horning, an assistant professor in Nipissing’s School of Business, takes readers through the journey of marketing the inaugural season of the Nipissing University Lakers varsity hockey team in 2009.  She discusses how, when the university announced plans to launch a varsity hockey team in 2008, excitement and expectations were building at Nipissing and in North Bay. With the team set to play out of Memorial Gardens, North Bay’s largest recreation facility seating 4,048, fan support was critical to the team and its business plan. A marketing committee was formed in early 2009, nine months before the puck would drop to start the season. They were tasked with developing a strategy to garner widespread support and maximize fan attendance for the team.
The Lakers would go on to a very successful first season both on the ice and in the stands, recording the third highest attendance in Canada for varsity hockey.
The Case Research is the leading academic journal for cases in business and related disciplines in North America. It publishes outstanding field-research-based, decision focused teaching cases drawn from research in real organizations, dealing with issues in all administration-related disciplines. Occasionally, it publishes papers concerning case research, case writing or case teaching. All manuscripts are double-blind refereed by Editorial Board members and ad hoc reviewers in the appropriate discipline.
The journal publishes four issues a year and has an acceptance rate of less than 15 percent. Cases published are distributed directly to libraries and subscribers and online through North American Case Research Association’s publishing partners, including XanEdu, McGraw-Hill, Cengage, Pearson, and Wilfrid Laurier University.
