The History Seminar Series

The History Seminar Series continues on Friday, March 2 at 2:30 pm in room A122.Dr. Robin Gendron from the Department of History will speak to us about "The Two Faces of Charles the Good: Charles de Gaulle and the Nationalist Question in Quebec and New Caledonia."
Many Canadians know about Charles de Gaulle's famous "Vive le Québec Libre" declaration of 1967, and its much-debated relation to the Quebec nationalist movement. However, few are aware of de Gaulle's simultaneous opposition to another nationalist movement in a Francophone territory, in New Caledonia in the South Pacific. Dr. Gendron will explore this apparent paradox and make suggestions about de Gaulle's motivations in supporting Quebec nationalism in the late 1960s.
The talk is free of charge, everyone is welcome, and refreshments will be provided.

My Nipissing