de Bruyn becomes Alumni President

Nipissing University is pleased to welcome Genevieve de Bruyn as the new Nipissing University Alumni president. She began her term on May 1, 2012.A message from new Alumni President Genevieve de Bruyn:As a proud graduate of Nipissing University (BA Sociology ‘09 and BEd ‘10), I am thrilled to be taking on the leadership of the Alumni Advisory Board.  My personal passion for Nipissing was shaped during my time as a student — by my involvement with NUSU, some unique on campus employment opportunities and the collegial learning environment.  Most significantly, though, that passion grew through the number of incredible students I have met along the way.  The tremendous potential of our university to impact each individual who steps through its doors has long been an inspiration to me and a driving force in my efforts to give back to this community. Since graduating, I have continued to invest in the exceptional student experience Nipissing provides, working as a residence life supervisor.
It was as a student that I first recognized how Nipissing is a portal for opportunity.  I am always impressed to see the unique impacts our graduates continue to make in their communities, provincially, nationally and even internationally.  With all of the memories made here, alumni often maintain many of the relationships that they developed on our campuses and we hope to be a part of these ongoing relationships.  The Alumni Advisory Board strives to rekindle and maintain connections with our graduates in order to celebrate their successes, support their career goals and provide them with ways to continue to participate in the community that is their alma mater.  In the years ahead I hope to see our Homecoming events grow to reach even more alumni, to raise the profile of this association and to instill more pride in being a Nipissing University graduate.  With a wonderful group of dedicated volunteers I am confident that the Advisory Board will continue to find new and dynamic ways to represent, engage and benefit our alumni membership.

My Nipissing