CIC discussing Canada’s foreign policy

The Nipissing Branch of the Canadian International Council (CIC) will hold a roundtable discussion on Canada's current foreign policy on Tuesday, May 15, at 7 p.m. at Cecil’s Eatery and Beer Society (300 Wyld Street in North Bay).The discussion features Nipissing University faculty Dr. John Allison, assistant professor in the Schulich School of Education; Dr. Robin Gendron, associate professor and chair of the department of History; and Dr. David Tabachnick, associate professor and chair of the department of Philosophy, Political Science and Economics.
Light refreshments and a cash bar will be provided.
The roundtable discussion is free for members of the CIC, $15 for non-members and $10 for students.  Space is limited so please reserve your seat byregistering online through the CIC website.
This event will also serve as the Nipissing Branch of the CIC's Annual General Meeting.  At the end of the evening, elections will be held for next year's executive, including the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Community Liaison, and Student Representative.  Only members of the branch can vote in this election. To nominate a branch member for any of these positions, please contact John Allison at
Nominations from the floor will also be accepted on May 15.
For further information about this event, please contact Robin Gendron at

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