Biomass Innovation Centre on mission to Europe

Photo of Biomass Innovation Centre bioenergy mission participants

The Biomass Innovation Centre at Nipissing University recently helped to organize a bioenergy mission to Europe, May 28 to June 6, to help accelerate bioenergy projects in northern Ontario.Six northern Ontario businesses and three not-for-profit organizations, including the Biomass Innovation Centre, took part in the trip with the intent of bringing back information and resources to help to develop northern Ontario’s bioeconomy. RDEE- Ontario and the Biomass Innovation Centre also represented and attended meetings on behalf of another four northern Ontario businesses, and one First Nation business looking to expand into the biomass sector.
The mission included attendance at the World Bioenergy 2012 conference in Sweden, May 28 to June 1; a visit to the Marstal Fjernvarme District Heating Facility in Denmark, a large-scale district heating facility that uses 55 per cent solar energy and 45 per cent biomass energy, is connected to 1,460 clients and provides 95 per cent of the heat consumption for the town of Marstal; and a visit to Model Region Harz in former East Germany, one of six model regions in the country that are supporting the development and use of a mix of renewable energies with the objective of becoming a 100 per cent renewable energy region.
The trip was initiated by Alain Thivierge of RDEE-Ontario, and received government support from FedNor and Foreign Affairs and International Trade (GFAIT).
For more information, please visit theBiomass Innovation Centre website?.

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