Election debate at Nipissing

Leading up to the provincial election, Nipissing University wants to ensure that issues important to our students and our community will be addressed by the political candidates.  To that end, the university will be hosting an all-candidates' debate on Tuesday, October 4, at 5 p.m. in the Nipissing Theatre (F213).

The event is sponsored by Nipissing’s Office of the Vice-President Academic and Research, the Political Science program, the North Bay and Area Social Planning Council, and student organizers who are encouraging youth to become engaged in the vote by bringing student issues to the forefront of this election.

The debate will follow a question and answer format. Student centered or otherwise education-related questions are welcome. To submit a question for consideration, please email nipissingvotes@gmail.com by Friday, September 30.

Following the debate, there will be a meet and greet at the Wall at 6.30 p.m., with appetizers provided and opportunities for face-to-face political discussion.

The event is free of charge and all are welcome.

My Nipissing