Shipping and Receiving

Mail and Courier

The shipping and receiving office is also the mail and courier office. In order to ensure that all packages requiring either postal or courier service be done efficiently, the following times should be observed:

Courier Service

All packages must be properly labeled and ready to be shipped via courier no later than 1:00 pm of every day. Any packages arriving past the deadline will be prepared for the next days pick-up.

Postal Services

All mail is picked-up at the University between 2:30 and 3:00 pm every day. All pieces of mail should be brought to the mail room no later than 1:30 pm of every day. Any pieces of mail arriving past the deadline will be prepare for the next day’s pick-up.

Office Supplies and Store Hours

The shipping and receiving office also serves as the University stores for a wide variety of office supplies. The University requests quotations on hundreds of office supplies every year. We stock all necessary items to efficiently run any office in the University. Before making a purchase, please check with the Shipper/Receiver for availability of the products.

Certain types of products are not purchased due to the low need, or diversity of the type of products. In these cases, we suggest that a requisitions be prepared and sent to the Finance Office for processing.

The store hours are from 8:30 to 4:30 every day from September to April and 8:30 to 4:00 every day from May to September.

Order Receiving and Shipping

All orders placed by the University should be accepted by the Shipper/Receiver for proper and efficient receiving protocol. Any packages or orders received by the individual department will delay payment and may cause items to be misplaced.

Any purchase of computer equipment, audio/visual equipment or office furniture from University funds must be tagged with a fixed asset number. The fixed asset numbers are applied by the Shipper/Receiver upon receipt of the merchandise.